Tips for the GATE Preparation in LAST MONTH

Just couple of weeks are remaining for the GATE Exam and most of university had completed their exam. So this is the perfect time to start GATE Preparation with full flagged. If someone will to do preparation seriously or will fail to utilized this time period GATE...

GACL Recruitment

Gujarat Alkalies and Chemicals Limited looks forward to hiring dynamic & experienced personnel and invites application from the candidates for the following positions for the Vadodara and Dahej Complex. Sr. No. Position Complex 1 Addl. General Manager/Dy General...

Moveo Scooter: New Diemenson of Mobility

Moveo Co. was established in 2008 by Antro Nonprofit Ltd. And its professional background provided the basis for the development of the Moveo scooter since the founder had already been working on the development of the solo multi-hybrid drive concept car. Moveo...