How To Manufacture Cricket Ball ?

Hello Friends
If you look towards current scenario then everyone is busy in their work in this technological world. To refresh us there is an very good thing for our mind as well for our body that is “SPORT “. And you might know that cricket is one of the favourite game in the world. You might be crazy about the cricket. But have you ever thought how that ball of cricket is manufactured?
Ø Raw Material:
                             British Standard BS 5993 specifies the construction details, dimensions, quality and performance of cricket balls.
·       Cork-rubber
·       Lather
Ø Basic Manufacturing Method:
Pressing, cutting, sawing, polishing
Ø Different Machines Use For Product:
Dryer machine, press machine, sawing machine, spray.
Ø Approx. Cost  For Manufacturing:
Red ball- 300 rs./piece
White ball-650 rs./piece
Ø Manufacturing Process step by step :
·       The material comes from farms around Meerut and is inspected by a leather technologist who separates sheets with scratches and blemishes from others that are clean of visual defects.
·       The ones that make the grade are cut into two-and-a-half square foot pieces and then treated with chemicals for the tanning process.
·       This helps strengthen the leather and make it flexible. The sheets are then dried in the sun, after which they return to a row of basins further down, where men wearing shorts and galoshes stomp down on them in vats of bright red dye.
·       They squeeze and stretch and bend these vibrant red pieces, straining like masseurs, and with much the same purpose: to prevent stiffness and release tension, thereby making it more flexible.
·       Then a dollop of animal fat melts into the leather under a benevolent sun to bind and strengthen.
·       The ball’s lips are then sealed in a process called lip-stitching. Steel cups press on the ball from both sides, forcing the unjoined leather at the ball’s mouth to jut outwards.
·       The pieces are bound by steady hands: one holds a strong needle while the other clasps a tool effective at puncturing leather.
·       For men’s cricket, the ball must weigh between 5.5 and 5.75 ounces (155.9 and 163.0 g) and measure between 8 13/16 and 9 in (224 and 229 mm) in circumference. Balls used in women’s and youth matches are slightly smaller.
Ø Applications :
·       It is use in international or domestic cricket game.
·       The red color ball uses in Test matches & White color ball uses in one-day and T-20 formats.
So as today We have seen that How to Manufacture the Ball of cricket. For further More Articles on HOW TO: CLICK HERE ? keep visiting MECHANICALINFO.
Have A Nice Day….