In this technological era, several streams have found innovative ways to design products for a consumer. Likewise, the mechanical stream would play a crucial role in improving the standards of design and manufacturing products all over the world. 

Smart manufacturing is one of the major innovative techniques in mechanical engineering which keeps the future of mechanical engineering alive. 


On the special occasion of Woman’s Day An aspiring research scholar, a leading consultant in K-DISC (Kerala Development and Innovative Strategic Council), and an Assistant professor in MBCET at Thiruvanathapuram Dr. NIDHI.M.B hosts a webinar under the banner of ASME on the topic of “ Women in Mech: Smart manufacturing” 

Women in Mechanical Engineering

In the 90s era, most women were denied requests to study mechanical engineering as a mainstream course for the undergraduate programs. The statement that “Woman can’t lift heavy objects or do heavy work” restricts them from becoming mechanical engineers. Many of the women have achieved in Mechanical engineering by breaking these barriers.

Now mechanical engineering has become the stream that any gender can study with equality. When the world move towards automation woman plays a vital role in it. Dr. Nidhi. M.B is one of the examples of the above-mentioned paragraph. 

She was one of the leading and inspiring people who inspires a lot of women into the stream of mechanical engineering. She has done research on Supply chain Management, HRM, Education management, etc…

“A woman can do anything” is the current scenario that revolves around the world. As a supportive step, ASME has conducted a webinar for women to get knowledge about Woman in Mech, with the inspiring Dr.Nidhi.M.B

Prime theme of “Women in mech: Smart manufacturing” webinar 

The webinar primarily covers

1. A basic of Smart manufacturing technology 

Here you come to know 

  • What is manufacturing technology? 
  • How smart manufacturing helps in improving automation?
  • Then, How a woman can approach this smart manufacturing technology? 
  • How the collected data are used for simplifying the complicated manufacturing process?

2. Evolution to FOF through various technology interfaces

Here you come to know 

  • The history of how evolution occurs from past to the present Field operating Facility (FOF) with the help of different technology interfaces.

3. Industry Trends in Smart Manufacturing- case studies and examples 

Here you come to know 

  • Example of Industries that are currently using smart manufacturing technology in their process. 
  • List of case studies about this technology 

Women can readily take this smart manufacturing technology in mechanical engineering as their mainstream career. If you are willing to attend this webinar on March 5th click on the below link. 

  1. To know more about smart manufacturing technology

2. To know more about the advantages of smart manufacturing technology
